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Apitherapy is a field of medical science based on the use of beekeeping products. During therapeutic work on various ailments and diseases, the following are used: bee honey, pollen, royal jelly, propolis and bee venom.
The use of bee products for medicinal purposes has been practiced for thousands of years by various cultures around the world. The ancient Egyptians and Chinese used honey and propolis to treat diseases, and the ancient Greeks used royal jelly to improve overall health and physical performance. In the Middle Ages, bee venom was used as a medicine for joint and muscle pain, and in the 19th century, the German physician Philipp Terc, called the “father of apitherapy”, conducted research on the properties of bee venom and its use in the treatment of rheumatic diseases.

Apitherapy has been used or used by many famous people for a long time. Michelle Obama, former First Lady of the United States, described in her book “Be coming” that she used apitherapy as part of her health routine, and that she used apitherapy to strengthen her immune system and improve her overall health.

Another very famous person who talked a lot about using apitherapy in his life is the British musician, composer and actor – Sting. In one of the interviews, he said that he was always looking for innovative ways of treatment, and apitherapy was one of them. Sting used bee venom, which he described helped him fight the symptoms of fatigue, muscle and joint pain, and prevent disease. In his book “Broken Music”, Sting describes his experiences with apitherapy and bee venom, telling how they helped him stay healthy and fit during difficult and intense concert tours. As he himself admits, his good health in his older years is due to his lifestyle and openness to alternative medicine, including apitherapy.